This is how I feel... It's a good feeling to know that I get to sleep in. It's been awhile; it's probably been months. It's also a good feeling to know that I do not have to discipline for a couple of months, remind students how to sit in their seats, deal with talking out of turn, monitor Junior High emotions and drama, understand teenage hormones, or avoid 'hornets' flying through the air. On another note... This is me. For awhile I forgot about some important goals I have. After a hard, yet necessary situation I was reminded of who I am and the divine potential I have. I had to give up something that meant a lot to me, for something that means even more, and it was very hard. Sister Dalton gave a beautiful talk in the General Young Women Meeting that made me feel better. She began by reminding us that we are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us, and we love him. Then she continued on and shared these insights: You are young women of great faith. You ...
I'm a woman, a wife, a sister, a friend, a worker, a daughter, a teacher, a reader, a pretend cowgirl, a hiker, a creator, a ...