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Showing posts from June, 2012

are you dead yet...

Nope. I just live in Arco without internet, reliable phone service, and some other things. No big deal. I am working hard, physically hard. It's summer, so I am not currently teaching. I'm just taking care of the homestead. I go to bed every night with some new ache - it's great! My hands are cracked and bleeding, I am getting more brave at tackling anything cow related, including the actual animal, I am discovering I can actually cook something, learning about SHOUT for Nick's jeans and manure, I am learning about taking care of and keeping up a lawn with massive flower beds, and I am roping the buford while sitting on a horse. I even ran the horse out of the box, while chasing the cow. I will include pictures just in case you don't have a clue what I am talking about. the buford  the box - the chute is the blue part where the cow comes out. that's what I do, run the chute. yes babe, you can be proud of my cowgirl lingo. I am doing some ...