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Showing posts from November, 2012

Lord I hope this day is good...

I don't know what has gotten into me lately. I felt like writing again today. There must be something in the water I've been drinking. I reluctantly got out of my warm bed this morning, got ready for the day, and jumped into my car for the trek across the desert. I tried listening to a couple of normal radio stations with no avail, reluctantly attempted NPR's Morning Edition and soon realized that political analysis was not going to hit the spot either. I even tried a book on CD that I had started a couple of days ago; It was just too slow for this morning's commute, and I soon found myself yawning. Then I remembered that Cowboy had put four CDs into the  player. I knew they were going to be great... Let me introduce you to Don. His straightforward yet smoot h base-baritone voice, soft tones, and an imposing build earned him the nickname "The Gentle Giant" of country music. (Wikipedia) His lyrics are simply delightful... I know some folks aren't i...

And it came to pass....

Hey A, I want to remember this. That's why I'm writing it down. I had a busy Halloween full of commuting, jr. High dance preparations, teaching a normal day of school, figuring out which students were academically eligible for the Halloween dance, enduring the dance, commuting, finding candles for Cowboy's amazing cowboy pumpkin creation, making dinner, doing laundry, enjoying trick or treaters, doing dishes, watching an episode of Duck Dynasty (totally hilarious), getting ready for bed, saying prayers (especially for the future of this country), getting into bed, reading my scriptures, and then being touched by this.... And now I, Moroni, proceed to give the record of Jared and his brother. For it came to pass after the Lord had prepared the stones which the brother of Jared had carried up into the mount, the brother of Jared came down out of the mount, and he did put forth the stones into the vessels which were prepared, one in each end thereof; and beho...