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Showing posts from March, 2012


i have a lot of feelings zooming in and out of me right now. yes, there is anticipation. yes, there is excitement. yes, there is some nervousness. yes, there is some anxiety too. it's a fun challenge to keep up with it all. one of the greatest lessons i've learned from this experience though is this - people are oh so good. i am so grateful for people who have been so kind and gracious to me. it's humbling to soak in their kindness. in the musical les miserables there is a line that states, "to love another person is to see the face of god." i've thought about that often, because there have been wonderful moments where i've felt so close to my heavenly father, because others have loved me the way he does. i'm sure His face and His countenance are seen in each of our own faces, especially when we take the time to love and serve unselfishly. it's a neat gift. i might cry some the day i get married. just saying. tears might have arrived during the bri...


today was library day in junior high. we walked down the hall, worked on checking in and checking out books, and then the shenanigans occurred. i turned around and 7th grade boys were rubbing the cologne samples all over themselves that are found in the magazines. the library was suddenly infiltrated with smelly, sweaty, hormonal boys covered in tacky cologne rubbed off of magazine pages. they thought they were studs. -Miss Dunn

enjoying the journey

so this engagement period has been interesting. cowboy and I got engaged at the end of january and suddenly we're in the middle of march. today i get to go pick out flowers and finalize reception center pieces. the dress is ready along with the shoes, the temple date and time are set, and the house stuff is moving along better than imagined. that all being said, it hasn't been an easy process. i have never been engaged, so i didn't know what the experience would be like. it's been a good challenge. i know i am doing an essential thing that will be life changing and wonderful, but i've also caught onto the challenge of it too. the first week i was engaged i felt like i had been punched in the stomach. i didn't know what was right or what was wrong, and i wondered what i had gotten myself into. i never doubted my love for cowboy; i just doubted myself being in the position that i was. people around me were excited about wedding plans and I wanted to crawl under my...