I don't know what has gotten into me lately. I felt like writing again today. There must be something in the water I've been drinking. I reluctantly got out of my warm bed this morning, got ready for the day, and jumped into my car for the trek across the desert. I tried listening to a couple of normal radio stations with no avail, reluctantly attempted NPR's Morning Edition and soon realized that political analysis was not going to hit the spot either. I even tried a book on CD that I had started a couple of days ago; It was just too slow for this morning's commute, and I soon found myself yawning. Then I remembered that Cowboy had put four CDs into the player. I knew they were going to be great... Let me introduce you to Don. His straightforward yet smoot h base-baritone voice, soft tones, and an imposing build earned him the nickname "The Gentle Giant" of country music. (Wikipedia) His lyrics are simply delightful... I know some folks aren't i...
I'm a woman, a wife, a sister, a friend, a worker, a daughter, a teacher, a reader, a pretend cowgirl, a hiker, a creator, a ...