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8th Grade Wisdom

I teach junior high English. Some call me crazy. I consider myself eager for a good challenge. Here are the words of wisdom I received this past week:

Student - "Miss Dunn, do you understand your options in life?"

Me - "In what sense?"

Student - "Well, I was talking to my uncle and he says I either need to find a great job or marry a wealthy man. It's the same for you. I figure we're not meant to work, so we better find rich men."

Me - "Oh, really?"

Student - "You haven't found either, so I think you need to work on that."

Me - "Awesome. I will get on that."

I am glad people care enough about me to offer counsel and advice. There are great friends and acquaintances watching out for me wherever I go. I consider many of them angels. I don't know if my student thinks I am a lost cause, but I figure I am not too bad off.

I read this great quote in the Ensign yesterday. It is a quote by Boyd K. Packer of the Twelve Apostles. He says, "If you are helpless, he is not. If you are are lost, he is not. If you don't know what to do next, he knows. It would take a miracle, you say? Well, if it takes a miracle, why not?"

I say, "Bring it on!"


  1. I'm so happy that you have a blog so I can read your thoughts! Especially since I never call you back. :( I'm sorry! If it makes you feel any better, I haven't even talked to my mom in a week and a half!

  2. Love the picture of the ring and think it would be lovely to have beautifully simply jewelry. Someday. Great advice from your student, go get you a rich man you deserve it!

  3. I myself have decided that our only options are to marry a rich man or to resort to piracy. :) Love you! You should allow followers so we can get automatic updates when you write.



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